When you’re in the run up to moving house, it’s important to think about what you want to take with you to the new place. Getting rid of things before you go can mean less journeys, which is cheaper in the long run, and if you’re downsizing you might not have as much space when you get there. It also means you can start life in your new home calm and clutter-free! Check out our top tips to see how to declutter before you move.
First, think about what you need. If you’ve got three frying pans that are all the same size, and a sizeable video tape collection but no VHS player, then you might be hanging on to things you no longer need. Broken toys can go, alongside clothes that no longer fit and the buggy you’re stashing in the attic on the off chance it can be used when grandchildren come along. If it serves no purpose – get rid!
That’s not to say everything has to go if it’s not an absolute necessity: it’s about being sensible. Things that you use and/or really love should stay: favourite books, your wedding dress, the family photo albums. Don’t forget, your removal team will be on hand to advise you on how to move the items that you won’t want to let go.
Tackle one room at a time in a logical order, and if you’ve got kids get them to do their own room or rooms – they can make piles for what to keep, what to throw away and what to donate, and they’ll probably have fun doing it, too! And don’t bear yourself up about it: you’re doing this to help yourself, so you can be as strict (or not) as you like.
But what should you do with the things you are chucking out? Electrical goods and designer clothes can be sold online, whereas older and cheaper clothes can be donated to a charity shop or homeless shelter. Unused toys, books and kitchen goods can also go to the charity shop, and they’ll be more than grateful to accept them! If it’s broken – bin it. Your local tip will accept pretty much anything, so be sure to pay them a visit and recycle what you can.
Follow our decluttering tips and your new home will be a place of absolute zen.