The saying goes that moving is the third most stressful life event after death and divorce. Although this sentiment is often exaggerated, a move that goes wrong can be traumatic.
Fortunately by following a few simple tips you can ensure that your move goes without a hitch from start to finish.
So what are the secrets to a seamless move?
Out with the clutter
The key to a successful move is organisation. This should be done as far in advance as possible. Before you start organising you should clear your old home of clutter. Bring out all our furniture and belongings and imagine how they will fit into your new home. Be bold and discard items you haven’t used in years, ones that have no sentimental value and any items that will simply no longer serve a purpose.
A good tip is to sell your unwanted belongings on online auction sites. There are many people who are on the look out for second hand furniture. It will also give you the opportunity to make some extra cash for your move!
Packing made easy
There are many ways to pack your belongings. For example some people like to pack room by room while others prefer to categorise items. Whichever way you choose to sort your items, the secret is to be consistent. Label each box with a note that describes what items it holds, where they were located in your old home, and where they should be placed in your new home. Don’t forget that your removal experts will be happy to help you plan your packing. You can also request professional packing services, which can really free up your time!
Extra tip: The best way to prepare yourself and your family for moving day is to pack as if you’re going on holiday. This means packing a light bag with essentials such as one set of clean clothes, toiletries and essential valuables including keys, wallets and documents. If you want to go the extra mile why not also pack a few creature comforts such as teabags and biscuits. This will make settling into your new empty home that little bit easier!
Notify of your move in good time
What makes house moves even more complex is the need to inform multiple companies and individuals of your new address. This is especially true if you are planning an office move. The process might involve closing and opening accounts with utility companies, notifying your bank and local council of your new address and not to mention keeping your friends and family informed. As soon as your moving date is confirmed, make a list of all the important contacts you need to update your details with and take a day to make all the arrangements at once. Keep a diary with tasks that can only be completed after your move, such as taking meter readings.
Extra tip: Moving is the best time to check that you’re on the best rates with utility companies. At Best Van and Man we recommend taking some time out to research which companies are the most competitive in your new area. Being on the right tariff is guaranteed to save you money!