There are several things that you learn from moving to a new house, from how important it is to label your boxes right through to realising (as if you didn’t already know) that your kettle really is your most important amenity. Moving as a student can be twice as hard though – with the need to move every year, and sometimes moving to a new house in one city when you’re currently spending the Summer on the other site of the country – so here are some tips to make things just a little easier.
Figure Out What Can Stay
You don’t need to take everything back to your mum and dad’s for the summer if all you’re going to do is lug it all back with you to your University city. Instead, find a local storage warehouse to leave it for a few pounds (a few pounds you’ll undoubtedly save on petrol if you’re not filling the car to the brim), or even ask your current landlord if you can leave it there (be prepared for a no though, or at the very least Summer being cut short in order to pick it up when they want you to).
Figure Out What Can Go
On the note of the point above, figure out what doesn’t need to go anywhere at all. That bowl that you’ve acquired but you’re not sure where from? It can go. That ripped Milkybar Kid outfit that you wore on a social once that still smells of alcohol? It can go. Don’t take things that don’t need to go – you’re wasting time, energy and space in both the car and your new home. Learn when it’s time to say goodbye.
Consider a Man with a Van
If you live close enough to the city that you can drive your stuff in, but have so much stuff you’re going to have to do at least three trips to get everything into your new house, consider a removal service. They are generally pretty affordable, and are probably not going to refuse to help and then sit in the car in a sulk when you upset them, like your parents. It’ll make the moving experience much smoother, and you can get it all done in one go. Check out details on special deals for students here.
Keep Important Things Separate
If you know there’s things that you’re going to need almost immediately that you’re inevitably going to lose, make sure you put them all in one box and mark it well. We’d recommend your kettle, clothes for tomorrow and perhaps even your University bits and bobs for lectures and seminars in your first week (hey, unpacking can be a long and very boring job, you don’t know how long it’s going to go on). Make sure everything you need is in one handy place, it’ll make living out of boxes for a few days that bit easier.
Moving can be difficult, but these easy tips can make it much simpler to get from one student house to another (which a quick stop at your parents in between to get some washing done!)